Individual shooting
(individual portrait, business portfolio, love story, family, pregnancy, etc.)
Package 1. OPTIMUM
— Shooting for 1,5-2 hours
— Location selection
— Selection of a stylist and a makeup artist
— 3-4 looks
— Help in posing
— 15 retouched photos (in 7 days)
— All original photos in color correction (~400-500 pcs.) in 3 days
* Studio rent, makeup artist, and stylist are extra paid

Shooting for brands
(catalogue, lookbook, campaign)
Retouching is paid additionally depending on the type of a shooting (catalogue / lookbook / campaign).
Terms of cooperation:
- Booking is carried out on a 30% prepayment.
- In case of cancellation, the prepayment is not refundable. The postponement is possible onlyonce and only due to force majeure.
- Discussion of shooting details, consultation looks, as well as location selection arecarried out only after prepayment.
- I advise you to consult with me on the looks, since the quality of the output result directlydepends on this.
- By booking a shooting, you agree with my current retouching, work style and vision.
- Shooting incognito (if you do not want your photos to be published in my portfolio) iscarried out with an additional payment of 50% of the cost.
Contact me:
Tel./WhatsApp: +971545029290
— Insta:
or fulfill the form: